ЧЕРТ УНЕС кого; НЕЛЕГКАЯ УНЕСЛА both highly coll
1. disapprov [often used in questions]
s.o. has disappeared, is not where he is needed or is supposed to be; s.o. is wandering about somewhere and cannot be found:
- X-a куда-то чёрт унёс•• the devil <God> (only) knows where X is <went>;
|| куда X-a чёрт унёс? черт унес where the devil <the hell, in blazes> did X go <could X have gone>?
2. [more often past]
s.o. finally left (used to express relief, satisfaction that an unwanted visitor or guest has departed):
- (наконец-то) X-a унёс чёрт•• at long last (X is gone)!

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